Advanced Academic Services is part of the Austin Independent School District. This blog provides information, activities, and events regarding advanced academics and high ability children and teens. Smart without compromise. Potential without limits.

Monday, January 29, 2018

Supporting the Emotional Needs of the Gifted - SENG

At SENG, supporting the gifted individual is our priority: gifted individuals of all races and cultures, all genders and sexualities, all economic backgrounds, and all ages. Every gifted person has unique needs and traits. SENG works to create a world where giftedness is better understood and gifted needs can be met.
Education on giftedness is crucial. It helps health professionals and educators to better understand and serve gifted individuals they work with, and can help gifted individuals and their families to accept themselves and feel less broken. With continuing education courses, online webinars, and an articles library, SENG aims to provide education to professionals, individuals, and families who are affected by giftedness.
SENG also connects gifted individuals and families with a community who understands them and their experiences. Gifted people and parents of gifted children often feel isolated and misunderstood, and this can have drastic effects on mental and emotional well-being. Through our SENG Model Parent Groups, annual conference, mental health professionals listing, and more, SENG fosters a community where gifted individuals and their families can find belonging. Working together we can make a difference.

For more information, please click here.