Advanced Academic Services is part of the Austin Independent School District. This blog provides information, activities, and events regarding advanced academics and high ability children and teens. Smart without compromise. Potential without limits.

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Austin Gifted Presents "Saturday Wonders" in January

Two Saturdays of innovative classes designed for gifted learners, ages 8-10.
Space is limited.  See the website for registration information and program details!

Friday, December 7, 2012

NAGC 2012 Recommended Toy List

Games and toys provide a way for children to explore different ways of thinking, moving, and interacting with friends and family members.  Unfortunately, it can be difficult to find the perfect item for your child because the manufacturers' recommended ages is often not correct for gifted children.  Additionally, games that look exciting from the box, can be repetitive after one playing.  For these reasons, the National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC) presents an annual list of recommded toys for gifted children.  Below is a listing of the current recommended toys and games for 2012. They are organized by categories.

Role-playing/strategy games:  LORDS OF WATERDEEP (recommended for ages 12+)
This game was found by child testers to be easy to learn, but hard to master.  They also found it easy to set up. Strategy varied from game to game, which was appealing to the testers. Compared to other role playing games, the kids found game play to be shorter in an appealing way.  The children also felt it was much easier to learn than the other role playing games.

Word games:  SENTENCE BUILDING (recommended ages for 6-10)
This child testers like that you could make "weird random sentences."  They also enjoyed the free form nature of the game and found that the variety in word-choice made for entertaining game play.

Games of chance:  RAPID REFLEX (recommended for ages 6+)
The children explained that not only did you have to think, but that playing the game was just plain entertaining.  They also found that game to be funny to watch too.  Overall, the child testers found the game easy to learn and simpler than other games in the category.  This made for a quick setup so that game play could quickly begin again.

3-D construction category:  TRIDIO TWIST (recommended for ages 8+)
The child testers said it was similar to many other shape building games they had played in the past, but that having to match colors as well as shapes made it interesting and engaging.  The game required a lot of patience, and may need a higher age-rating, but the consensus was that it was much more fun than many other "building/shape games," and stated, "This game really makes you think- really rewarding when you actually get a puzzle."

Problem solving/general play game:  IQ TWIST (recommended for ages 6-13)
The children enjoyed that it had a lot of levels and was a little more adult than many of the other options.  They found it to be challenging, which they liked.

What old games did these same child testers enjoy playing?  See if your favorite(s) made the list:
- Apples to Apples
- Khet
- Stratego
- Risk
- Chess
- Monopoly
- Uno

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

A Smile on My Face at Carver Museum

smile invite image 
Support young people who 'discovered' Austin through photography
A Smile on My Face
Winter Photography Workshop
Opening Reception
Saturday, December 8 1 - 3 PM
Exhibition on display through April 6, 2013 
1165 Angelina Street
Austin, TX 78702
RSVP @ 974-4926
George Washington Carver Museum & Cultural Center
1165 Angelina Street
Austin, Texas 78702