To Parents of Gifted and Talented
Enrolled in Austin
ISD schools
You're Invited!
Guided Discussion Group for Parents
of AISD GT Students
WHEN: Fridays: January
31, February 7, February 14, February 21, February 28, and March 7.
All meetings
10:00-11:30 AM
Participants are asked to attend all six sessions.
WHERE: Baker
Center, Room 208
Avenue B, Austin TX 78751
Torres, Coordinator Gifted Education, Austin ISD
and Trained SENG Parent Group Facilitator.
SEATS ARE LIMITED. There is only room for 20 parents to
participate in this group. Be sure to
register soon to ensure you are able to secure one of the 20 spots.
Session topics:
- Characteristics
of Gifted Children
- Communication and
- Motivation and
- Discipline and
- Intensity,
Perfectionism, and Stress
- Acquaintances,
Friends, and Peers
- Only Children
and Sibling Relationships
- Values,
Traditions, and Uniqueness
- Successful
Parental Support
The objective of the series of sessions is to establish an
environment in which parents of GT students can receive support, guidance, and
information through discussion with other parents and trained facilitators.
This will serve as an opportunity to nurture the self-concept and emotional
development of GT children and their families.
If you would like to participate, please email with your
name, your GT child's name, and your child's Austin ISD school. You will receive
an email confirmation. Space is limited to the first 20 parents. Please
respond as soon as possible.