Advanced Academic Services is part of the Austin Independent School District. This blog provides information, activities, and events regarding advanced academics and high ability children and teens. Smart without compromise. Potential without limits.

Sunday, September 17, 2017

Brain Health Series: Part 1: Exercise and Your Brain

We all know that exercise is good for our bodies.  But, did you know that exercise is also beneficial for your brain?  Physical aerobic exercise increases blood flow throughout the body including the brain.  As a result, brain cells are better connected and memory and thinking skills improve.

In a study conducted at the University of British Columbia researchers discovered that regular exercise, rigorous enough to increase the heart rate, appears to boost the hippocampus in the brain.  This area of the brain is where verbal memory and learning takes place. 

Other studies have proven that those who exercise are more mentally sharp. These studies have found that students score higher on math and reading comprehension tests after exercising for 20 minutes.  Some studies have found that kids who exercise are happier and have a better positive outlook.  This is because physical activity releases chemicals in the brain that are natural stress combatants.  Thus, physically active kids are better at handling mood swings and their emotions.

In a recent online article published by the British Journal of Sports Medicine, a panel of experts from the UK, Scandinavia, and North America all agreed that regular physical activity can strengthen brain cells, create more neurons in the brain, and prevent brain tissue loss in older adults.  Further studies have concluded that a daily schedule with more physical activity resulted in students achieving more and having better grades in the classroom.  So, let’s join our kids and increase our physical exercise--it can benefit us all!
